No student should leave the school premises during school hours without permission.
Half day leave is not permitted except in an emergency.
A sense of responsibility and civic consciousness must be cultivated.
Students must help keep their class rooms, school building and the campus clean and beautiful.
A sense of respect must be developed for our culture, heritage and environment.
Students should be sensitive and respectful towards fellow students, parents, teachers, elders and the less privileged section of society
Ensure the student in neat and clean uniform.
Homework to be completed at home regularly.
Have a glance over the school diary everyday.
Enquire about student’s work frequently.
To be punctual at appointed time during meeting.
Name of the student should be engraved on lunch box.
Do not send the student with any valuable ornament.
Time to see the class teacher :
Summer after 12:00 noon
Winter after 02:00 p.m.
Time to see Principal :
Summer 08:00 A.M. to 09:00 A.M.
Winter 08:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
Children should not come to school if they are suffering from any illness. An unwell child will be sent back home.
The school authorities and class teacher must be informed if the child is under any medication.
If a student is suffering from any infection or contagious disease, the quarantine period must be observed before returning to classes and a medical fitness certificate from a qualified and recognized physician must be produced at the school office.